We are a family-run foundation with presence in social initiatives dedicated to the improvement of quality of life in early childhood. We also strive to produce and disclose scientific knowledge about children’s health and about medical assistance for children and teenagers. Besides carrying out our own initiatives, we are also the operators of the Sabará Children’s Hospital, the PENSI Institute, and the ‘Autismo e Realidade’ organization.
We also believe that philanthropy is a fundamental instrument for the construction of a better world, and that it is through responsible management of resources that we promote cutting-edge medical care, the production and spread of scientific knowledge, and the promotion of a philanthropy culture. This contributes to the development of a society that can take better care of its children and adolescents.
To promote children’s health through care, as also through generation and dissemination of knowledge.
To have an influence on society, to take care of children’s health.
Humanism | We believe primarily in the human being, with full respect for individuality and diversity.
Philanthropy | We also believe in philanthropy as one of the forms of action in the construction of a better society.
Ethics | We believe in respect, integrity, and responsible attitudes in our commitments.
Care | We feel that our careers act with compassion, cooperation, and commitment.
Knowledge | We believe in knowledge as being an instrument for the transformation of society.
Sustainability | We believe in our sustainability through an efficient style of management, with quality and innovation.
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The different initiatives as carried out by the Foundation are duly documented in our annual reports.

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