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Our Work

We have multiple actions through the construction of a society that is able to take better and better care of its children. Guided by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations (UN), and by careful analysis of the current Brazilian context, we hereby establish three main themes of priority areas for action in the current decade: mental health, immunization, and food safety.

With a strategy aimed at advocacy, we collaborate with the Government and private sectors, as well as lending our support to other civil society organizations. We allocate resources through donations, co-financing and own initiatives, whose accomplishments depend on close support from our team at all stages. At the same time, we carry out activities for generation and publicity of scientific content about children’s and teenagers’ health in order to expand the awareness of society with regard to the main issues concerning childhood. 

Our Goals 

Investment In Child Health

A better quality of life in early childhood requires practical actions and also political discussions involving different spheres and institutions. For this reason, our activities include a wide range of elements, from advocacy actions to the spread of scientific content and assistance actions.

Encouragement of a Philanthropic Culture

We believe that philanthropy is an instrument that is efficient in transformation of society and, for this reason, we have made every effort to encourage a culture of donations between individual people, companies, and other private agents.

Healthier Communities

As we understand health as being a person’s state of general well-being, we have invested in a range of different actions such as partnerships for the improvement of living conditions of the lower walks of life among the population, volunteer work with hospitalized children, and improvement of green areas in the cities.


We are very proud to see our initiatives generating positive impacts in many places throughout Brazil. From the qualification of leaders to investment in early childhood, to the lending of support to vulnerable families during the Covid-19 pandemic, these actions exemplify the diversity of issues that are encompassed by our mission in working towards healthy children for a better society.

Our initiatives

Sabará Children’s Hospital

The Sabará Children’s Hospital is a reference benchmark in offering truly humanized medical care and has a team of renowned doctors dedicated to medical care for children.

PENSI Institute

The Pensi Institute is active in development of research studies, in the training of health professionals, and social projects.

Autism and Reality

The Autism and Reality area seeks to publicize knowledge about autism, to improve the capacity of adaptation and quality of life of people living with this disorder and their immediate families.

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